Rock Group "Jet" Pokes Fun At Paris Hilton
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Australian Rock Group "Jet" recently unveiled a song they wrote ridiculing Paris Hilton at a London concert.

The band mocks the socialite in the new track "Rip It Up" which is featured on their latest album "Shine On."

Jet lead singer Nic Cester revealed the song's scathing subject matter at the band's sell out concert at London's Brixton Academy on Wednesday night, saying, "Here's a song we've written about Paris Hilton. It's called 'Rip It Up.'"

Included in the lyrics are the lines, "Did you ever get the feeling you were born to loose, smacked in the face with a silver spoon. Skinny doll gimme your magazine queen, just spread your legs for the silver screen. From the bedroom baby to the city a' light, you look pretty good but you're not so bright. Flashin' your stash ain't nothin' new."



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posted by K.C. at 11:56 AM | Permalink


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