Avril Lavigne to feature on soundtrack for 'Eragon'
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Avril Lavigne updated her official site with an announcement that she has written a song for the Eragon soundtrack.

Fox approached me to write a song for their movie, "Eragon". They showed me the trailer and talked about it. It's going to be a very big movie for them and everyone is really excited. So I worked on a couple different ballad type songs, and the one they ended up using is called, "Keep Holding On".

This song was specifically written for the movie. It was challenging writing lyrics that had to go exactly with the movie. It was a new experience for me and I learned a lot. I was writing about strength, power, and destiny, while keeping in line with the story of the film. Dr. Luke also worked with me on this track.

This song however, is no indication of what the rest of the record is like. You guys are in for a big surprise. AND I CAN'T WAIT!!!




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posted by K.C. at 11:48 AM | Permalink


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